Incident Mapping Specialist/Trailer Attendant

Deer Creek Resources (DCR) mapping specialists provide onsite cartography, printing, data management, networking, general trailer maintenance and technical support during major wildland fires and other emergency incidents across the American West. We are accepting applications from applicants who are interested in deploying to incident management base camps to perform a variety of work tasks.

This is a call-when-needed position, with no guarantee of assignments or minimum term of employment. Applicants must reside in the Western US. Assignments may require work up to 112 hours per week.

Job Description

Successful applicants will operate DCR’s Mobile Mapping Support Modules on large wildfires, natural disasters, and pre-fire planning projects. Tasks may include:

  • Providing GIS and cartography tech support and maintaining a cheerful and positive presence under non-negotiable deadlines
  • Towing generators and trailers, cleaning or repairing equipment, ordering supplies, completing daily invoices
  • Troubleshooting printers, networks, satellite internet, DSL, or MiFi problems, other IT tasks
  • Cartography and design of map atlases, briefing maps, and other large-format paper map products on a 24/7 schedule, keeping up with wildfires as they spread
  • Development of GIS data, satellite imagery, and other geospatial data products as requested
  • Data management, file backup, GPS data conversions

This job usually requires setting up an enterprise-class computer network in an alfalfa field, fairgrounds or meadow. Once you have this up and running, you’ll spend the next week or three assisting agency personnel meet production deadlines, fixing generators by headlamp, bathing in a converted semi-trailer, and eating tough steaks with inmates in a big circus tent.

We are looking for flexible, professional people who can support our team in any number of tasks, ranging from delivering supplies and cleaning trailers to helping our clients troubleshoot their internet connection.


THIS JOB DEMANDS TECHNICAL COMPETENCE AND ROCK SOLID CHARACTER! If you enjoy producing quality products under pressure as a member of a high-functioning team, this job can be rewarding, fun and addictive.

Our job is to provide reliable equipment and a steady hand way out in the sticks, without any backup. In addition to solid GIS/IT skills, we need people who can build a computer from parts, change a truck tire, troubleshoot broken trailer brake lights, or fix a broken printer using common household items. Production volumes are high; late-night HP plotter sweet-talking skills are essential. While a four-year degree in resource management, geography or forestry is preferred, expert computer-driving skills and solid GIS/cartography work experience are required. Wildfire or forestry experience can’t hurt, and a large personal library of energetic and tolerable music is a plus. Driving is required.

Although not all deployments require assisting with GIS work, we expect to see a portfolio of your cartography/design work. 


Successful applicants must be available for 7-day assignments between June and October. Work is in 14-16 hour shifts for up to 14 days. Tent camping is required on many assignments. All travel expenses are paid. We are especially interested in hiring people who can be available on very short notice (within 6-12 hours) between July 15 and September 15.

Application Instructions

  1. Email us a cover letter and current resume, including references.
  2. Send examples of your cartography work (web links are preferred).
  3. Please include something in the subject line that lets us know that you are not a robot.